Of the many ways one can look at life, one is through the lens of sorrow (Note-1) and in despair (Note-2).
To experience shattered dreams and to be able to endure the pain is one of life's great privileges....
... the pain, knowing that you have shattered the hopes and dreams of those who depended on you,
.... the pain, knowing that you have to continue to live a life that gives hope and courage, dreams and light to all those who depend on you, so they can face the future, when you yourself can't,
... and the pain, knowing that you would let down those who depend on you as their savior, when the time comes to tell them that you do not have all the answers, that there is no light at the end of the tunnel, and there is no hope.
Only a privileged few would have the good fortune of experiencing such lessons in life and live to benefit from it. Fortuity, perhaps, perhaps not. Some of us may have indeed experienced such lessons, but only to become over-whelmed and consumed, and thought best to seek solace in greener pastures elsewhere. But, the answer may well be lost within, for what we seek is within our “self” and nowhere else.
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