Or were you too preoccupied preening and posturing yourself to deny you that chance? Or perhaps you were too self-conscious to notice anything?
And, here I refer to the ego presence. It is made up of self-ignorance, self view, self pride and self love. It hits you before you actually start a conversation with anyone.
When we see people we have never seen before, or have not seen in a long time, we see them for what they are. Since we have no memory or preconceived notions there is little chance of them influencing our perceptions.
Then we observe, we see people. Some dresses well, some don’t. Some dress well and use the dress, accessories and perfumes to project themselves. We are greeted by that image with the person behind it. Our perceptions are so influenced, and also maybe with what others have told us, or what we expect, and what we accept - our standard that makes the cut for us.
Then we see some who are different. They may not be particular about dress or accouterments. But they still have a projection.
And, here I refer to the ego presence. It is made up of self-ignorance, self view, self pride and self love. It hits you before you actually start a conversation with anyone.
When we see people we have never seen before, or have not seen in a long time, we see them for what they are. Since we have no memory or preconceived notions there is little chance of them influencing our perceptions.
Then we observe, we see people. Some dresses well, some don’t. Some dress well and use the dress, accessories and perfumes to project themselves. We are greeted by that image with the person behind it. Our perceptions are so influenced, and also maybe with what others have told us, or what we expect, and what we accept - our standard that makes the cut for us.
Then we see some who are different. They may not be particular about dress or accouterments. But they still have a projection.
With some it is a strong projection. When we see him or her we know that he or she is someone to reckon with, who commands attention of respect. It maybe a few telltale signs, like speech, or carriage or mannerisms, which serve to confirm something that has already made its presence known to us. It is a force, a force of energy that is carried towards us.
Some of us take refuge in the physical, some don’t. We do so when we, quite unconsciously, hide behind them, a beard or moustache, or earring, or some other, such as body piercings, tattoos, and so on, and all of the other outer body accessories we mentioned earlier.
Some of us take refuge in the physical, some don’t. We do so when we, quite unconsciously, hide behind them, a beard or moustache, or earring, or some other, such as body piercings, tattoos, and so on, and all of the other outer body accessories we mentioned earlier.
Some don't. They just don't seem to care, for they do not feel inadequate in any sense that requires such improvisations.
Some of us experience these moments, they may happen in certain phases in our lives. I too have undergone such experiences several times in my life.
If we the observer remain neutral, open and of a balanced mind, it would then seem that the physical appearance does not have that much of an influence in our final conclusion of the person, and might I add parenthetically, a conclusion with a quality to each name and face. And, this I do as an exercise, sometimes, and I try not to pass judgement.
Observation of conversations in a group becomes a very enlightening if you give yourself that chance. We may see self-assertion at play. We can see one trying to outdo others. Sometimes it is obvious and intended, but usually it happens in subtle ways, from an expression that may appear quite harmless and non-contrived, but, nevertheless, an effusion from within, from the ego that lies beneath such actions. It may be something as simple as how good a car is, something like their own, or how good a city is, and so on.
And if it is a group that knows each other, then there is also the possibility of some looking down upon others, perhaps a less well to do who is not present. Some would refer to them, affectionately, with terms and adjectives such as "good-for-nothing", "useless fellow", " a nobody", "just an ordinary chap", and so on.
Observation of conversations in a group becomes a very enlightening if you give yourself that chance. We may see self-assertion at play. We can see one trying to outdo others. Sometimes it is obvious and intended, but usually it happens in subtle ways, from an expression that may appear quite harmless and non-contrived, but, nevertheless, an effusion from within, from the ego that lies beneath such actions. It may be something as simple as how good a car is, something like their own, or how good a city is, and so on.
And if it is a group that knows each other, then there is also the possibility of some looking down upon others, perhaps a less well to do who is not present. Some would refer to them, affectionately, with terms and adjectives such as "good-for-nothing", "useless fellow", " a nobody", "just an ordinary chap", and so on.
And then there will be some others who belittle those who are successful, usually not present among them, for the manner and means of achieving such success. It may be what appears to be a harmless remark, but one which must arise out of jealousy, for if it were not then it wouldn't possess the potency to manifest as it did as a remark.
And then there are some who are less well to do and who are present who express self pity, lamenting over their predicaments and talking endlessly about their hay days. And some others would prefer to remain reticent, perhaps out of politeness, self-consciousness, inferiority or being out of their depth, instead allowing others to assert themselves.
Self-love and self-pity go hand in hand. This is what makes us who we are. Self-love is when we think we are better. Self-pity is when we think we deserve better. Self-pity is the “why me” moments. We feel good when we think everything is going good for us. Our ego being is pleased.
Pride expressed, as hatred, ill will and aversion are the antithesis of love. It may come in the form of an expression. Such expression can never materialize out of love. And, it may not be one born of wickedness. Love results from the transmutation of feelings in the absence of hatred, ill will, and aversion and lust, or infatuation or personal affection.
Pride expressed as wickedness, for instance, for not being your equal in status is antithetical to loving kindness or compassion. Compassion results from the transmutation of feelings in the absence of wickedness and passionate grief. Those who have compassion will be seen to alleviate the suffering of others.
Pride expressed defensively in thee form of jealousy takes away the joy that one would derive from another’s success. It may be in a passing thought that we may not express, for it passes all too quickly, or one that we may dare not express fearing recrimination of others. Joy results from the transmutation of feelings in the absence of jealousy and exhilaration. Those who have sympathetic joy will be seen as appreciative of others success, embrace their prosperity and show no dislike.
Yes, all what I say will ring very true if you look back and see how all things went. And, as much as we observed, we may have unwittingly participated in everything. It all happens very subtlety, perhaps through a misplaced word, perhaps a slip of the tongue. And of course, if we met the force that is the presence that came to us, which we perceived, which we did with our own likes and dislikes, then observation would have become impossible.
And then there are some who are less well to do and who are present who express self pity, lamenting over their predicaments and talking endlessly about their hay days. And some others would prefer to remain reticent, perhaps out of politeness, self-consciousness, inferiority or being out of their depth, instead allowing others to assert themselves.
Self-love and self-pity go hand in hand. This is what makes us who we are. Self-love is when we think we are better. Self-pity is when we think we deserve better. Self-pity is the “why me” moments. We feel good when we think everything is going good for us. Our ego being is pleased.
Pride expressed, as hatred, ill will and aversion are the antithesis of love. It may come in the form of an expression. Such expression can never materialize out of love. And, it may not be one born of wickedness. Love results from the transmutation of feelings in the absence of hatred, ill will, and aversion and lust, or infatuation or personal affection.
Pride expressed as wickedness, for instance, for not being your equal in status is antithetical to loving kindness or compassion. Compassion results from the transmutation of feelings in the absence of wickedness and passionate grief. Those who have compassion will be seen to alleviate the suffering of others.
Pride expressed defensively in thee form of jealousy takes away the joy that one would derive from another’s success. It may be in a passing thought that we may not express, for it passes all too quickly, or one that we may dare not express fearing recrimination of others. Joy results from the transmutation of feelings in the absence of jealousy and exhilaration. Those who have sympathetic joy will be seen as appreciative of others success, embrace their prosperity and show no dislike.
All of these manifestations arise at the moment of conception, when potent karmic formations accumulated in the mental continuum of the being, the "Self", generate volitional formations, with the aid of one or more unwholesome mental factors (cetasika) arising concomitantly together with consciousness, such as delusion, greed, wrong view, conceit, hatred, envy, avarice, that lead to actions of thought, body and speech.
Self-Ignorance is the imputation of "self" where there is none. I am my body, my feelings and my perceptions. This is self-consideration. And so we are all "self-entities", and we think we are separate and different to one and another. When we differentiate and separate our self, we discriminate and identify ourselves. And so we designate. We have a name, and we have our character. And we have our views, our pride, and don’t we love ourselves!
"Self-View" is when we think we the self, is independent and eternal, that we exist apart from other factors of existence.
Self-Pride sees us as better, more intelligent, more beautiful and more important than others. And we love ourselves excessively, everything we say, do and think, which is done to to makes things "good" for us. This is Self-Love.
And these four qualities of self (ego self made up of self-ignorance, self view, self pride and self love) are what makes us who we are. And although we may not like to hear this, we are all of what I said above. And we remain capable of, dependent on events triggering causation and conditioning, of all what are its manifestations, such as anger, enmity, concealment or hypocrisy, affliction or vexation, envy, parsimony or selfishness, deception or deceit, and fraudulence or dishonesty.
And these four qualities of self (ego self made up of self-ignorance, self view, self pride and self love) are what makes us who we are. And although we may not like to hear this, we are all of what I said above. And we remain capable of, dependent on events triggering causation and conditioning, of all what are its manifestations, such as anger, enmity, concealment or hypocrisy, affliction or vexation, envy, parsimony or selfishness, deception or deceit, and fraudulence or dishonesty.
It is a good exercise to try practicing the Wisdom of Mirror Awareness in what we sense – that the subject does not appear apart from the object, or in other words, the seer does not appear apart from seen, that the subject is a reflection of the object or in other words, what is seen is a reflection of the object seen, and the reflection remains untouched by it, has no independent existence except as reflection and reflected, existing without any emotional investment, our own – no views, no notions, no judgement.
Here the wisdom found is no different in nature to that of an image in the mirror - no preconceptions, and no discoloration. If we are touched by what we see, then we have a separation between others and us.
Likewise, the Wisdom of Investigative Awareness tells us is that at the very intrinsic level, in emptiness, what you and I perceive are the same, and in reality, in duality, in ordinary life what makes the difference is the diversity. What makes the difference is how we see it, respecting both unity and diversity without attachment.
And so when we investigate "just", we can appreciate the appearance of separation and partake in the multiplicity. And, when we examine with insight, "passion" as it arises, which pulls us with an attachment or aversion, then such passion turns into genuine care and interest as it transmutes into love and compassion. And instead of grasping we have sensitivity and empathy, that turns into love.
Wisdom of the Awareness of Quality or Sameness tells us that everything is the same: when we see attachment and aversion, and pleasure and pain in equanimity within us, and equality, of impartial generosity outside of us.
Wisdom of the Awareness of Quality or Sameness tells us that everything is the same: when we see attachment and aversion, and pleasure and pain in equanimity within us, and equality, of impartial generosity outside of us.
Pride in one’s virtues and possessions, and arrogance in one’s own qualities, are inverse to equality. Pride can be offensive when one is overbearing, and impressive and defensive when one is confronted with fears of poverty. The expression of pity usually arises from defensive pride, whereas compassion arises from equality and impartial generosity. The essential sameness in us gives us the power of sympathy and empathy, of love and compassion.
The Wisdom of Accomplishing Activities is the awareness that makes us spontaneously carry out all that has to be done for the welfare of beings, manifesting itself in all directions.
The Wisdom of Accomplishing Activities is the awareness that makes us spontaneously carry out all that has to be done for the welfare of beings, manifesting itself in all directions.
It is the actual functioning of our enlightened self, our awakened mind, which only becomes possible without jealousy and envy. Envy arises from the hidden fear of failure, of one’s own expectations, where fear can mean both fear of others success or others being given advantages, and also the fear that everyone is against us.
In the greater scheme of things, the human realm is a realm of desire, of the worlds, of here and beyond, the realm of desire being one of the three realms, the other two being the realms of form and formless. Realms of desire are seen both in the physical realm, such as the human realm, and the six godly realms of the non-physical kind. It is not physical, but light beings of holographic-like beings.
We can see them in deep meditation. They are a distraction to meditation, but nevertheless not unwelcome in my mandala - my own great hall of the mind, for they aid me in the realization of the teachings.
They have a presence. Some are just plain, and without accouterments. They have projection, so very similar to what we see in the human realm that I described earlier. They are beings that project themselves, in various shapes, colors and sizes. They are beings of light, and it is said that they are subtler, as one goes to the higher realms that are invisible to the lower grosser realms. And so what happens here in the human world also plays out in the non-human realms in the heavens. And so continues samsara.
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